Race for Recipients Log In


17 Activities
45.3 km Distance
North West Region



Care for patients , care for families , care for each other


Day Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-26 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-26 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-26 Walk 5.0 km walk to station and through city centre and back to train
2024-09-26 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-24 Walk 2.0 km dog walk to village
2024-09-24 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-23 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-22 Walk 2.0 km dog walk
2024-09-22 Walk 2.0 km dog walk and blackberry picking
2024-09-22 Walk 2.0 km marshalling at junior parkrun
2024-09-22 Walk 1.0 km dog walk
2024-09-21 Walk 6.5 km walk to musical fireworks and back
2024-09-21 Walk 1.8 km dog walk
2024-09-21 Walk 3.0 km walk to village
2024-09-21 Walk 3.0 km walk to village
2024-09-21 Run 5.0 km parkrun
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