Race for Recipients Log In

Kate Bonner

7 Activities
335.0 km Distance
Northern Region


My husband Al is currently on the transplant list waiting for a new heart. Our girls and I are determined to help raise awareness of the importance of sharing your wishes to give Al and the others on the list the best chance of a future with us ❤️ …I took on a 297 challenge, to complete a km in honour of each person on the list waiting for a new heart (data as of August)


Day Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Walk 10.0 km
2024-09-26 Walk 8.0 km
2024-09-25 Cycle 16.0 km Walk + cycle
2024-09-24 Walk 10.0 km
2024-09-23 Cycle 100.0 km I’ve been walking and cycling with the aim of doing 297km, a for each wonderful warrior on the list waiting for a new heart (data as of 16 August). I’m almost there! And will keep going to add as much as I can to this total… I’ve been walking, cycling, swimming and a little running… and I’ll crawl if I need to!
2024-09-22 Cycle 100.0 km I’ve been walking and cycling with the aim of doing 297km, a for each wonderful warrior on the list waiting for a new heart (data as of 16 August). I’m almost there! And will keep going to add as much as I can to this total… I’ve been walking, cycling, swimming and a little running… and I’ll crawl if I need to!
2024-09-21 Cycle 91.0 km I’ve been walking and cycling with the aim of doing 297km, a for each wonderful warrior on the list waiting for a new heart (data as of 16 August). I’m almost there! And will keep going to add as much as I can to this total… I’ve been walking, cycling, swimming and a little running… and I’ll crawl if I need to!
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