Race for Recipients Log In

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Join this team!
20 Racers
44 Activities
368.1 km Distance
#10 Team in Region
#99 Team Nationally
South West Region
368.1 km of 560.0 km
To Milestone
560 people waiting for a heart or lung transplant


Rank Name Distance Activities
#1 Lorraine Langford 75.9 km 8
#2 kath 72.7 km 6
#3 Shannon Limbrick 50.0 km 6
#4 Vicky Smith 47.0 km 6
#5 Lynsey Elliss 35.4 km 4
#6 Tim Warrener 33.5 km 3
#7 Linda Rich 16.6 km 2
#8 Megan Gregory 14.0 km 3
#9 Hayley Smith 12.9 km 2
#10 Maggie Hicks 6.0 km 2
#11 Sharon Masters 4.0 km 2
#12 Lauren Weekes 0 km 0
#12 Charlotte Hart 0 km 0
#12 Margaret Wilton 0 km 0
#12 Natalie Mitchell 0 km 0
#12 Alexandra Maticiuc 0 km 0
#12 Charlie Butler 0 km 0
#12 David Northcott 0 km 0
#12 Kathryn Hunt 0 km 0
#12 Bethan stowe 0 km 0

Recent Activities

Day Racer Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Lorraine Langford Walk 7.3 km
2024-09-27 kath Cycle 13.2 km
2024-09-26 Lorraine Langford Walk 7.7 km
2024-09-26 Lorraine Langford Cycle 5.7 km
2024-09-26 Shannon Limbrick Walk 15.0 km
2024-09-26 Vicky Smith Walk 6.9 km
2024-09-25 Vicky Smith Walk 9.3 km
2024-09-25 Tim Warrener Cycle 22.5 km
2024-09-25 Megan Gregory Walk 6.0 km
2024-09-25 Shannon Limbrick Walk 12.0 km
2024-09-25 Lorraine Langford Walk 14.3 km
2024-09-24 Vicky Smith Walk 2.9 km
2024-09-24 Lynsey Elliss Walk 16.1 km
2024-09-24 Shannon Limbrick Walk 7.0 km
2024-09-24 Lorraine Langford Walk 12.7 km
2024-09-23 kath Cycle 10.6 km
2024-09-23 Lynsey Elliss Walk 9.7 km
2024-09-23 Shannon Limbrick Walk 10.0 km
2024-09-23 Vicky Smith Walk 6.6 km
2024-09-23 Lorraine Langford Walk 10.8 km
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