Race for Recipients Log In

Transplant MFT at Wythenshawe

Join this team!
10 Racers
40 Activities
223.7 km Distance
#24 Team in Region
#121 Team Nationally
North West Region
223.7 km of 250.0 km
To Milestone
250 children waiting for a transplant


Rank Name Distance Activities
#1 Beverley Jones 59.7 km 3
#2 Victoria Wroe 34.9 km 4
#3 Stuart Wood 32.5 km 10
#4 Karla Parsons 26.3 km 3
#5 Rosie Owen 23.7 km 5
#6 Amanda G-Oldham 21.5 km 8
#7 Bec Fallon 16.0 km 5
#8 Megan Hastings 9.0 km 2
#9 Clare Aston 0 km 0
#9 Natalie Tighe 0 km 0

Recent Activities

Day Racer Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Bec Fallon Walk 1.0 km
2024-09-27 Bec Fallon Run 6.0 km
2024-09-27 Amanda G-Oldham Walk 3.5 km Taking the scenic route with intention on commute
2024-09-27 Stuart Wood Walk 3.5 km Dog walk
2024-09-27 Victoria Wroe Walk 4.4 km Nice walk in the sunshine!
2024-09-26 Bec Fallon Walk 1.0 km
2024-09-26 Amanda G-Oldham Walk 4.0 km Evening walk after work
2024-09-26 Beverley Jones Walk 24.9 km
2024-09-26 Karla Parsons Run 8.6 km
2024-09-26 Rosie Owen Walk 6.0 km
2024-09-26 Stuart Wood Walk 4.0 km Dog walk
2024-09-26 Karla Parsons Walk 7.7 km
2024-09-25 Amanda G-Oldham Walk 2.0 km a little evening walk, sorry I'm not doing as much as I'd like!
2024-09-25 Beverley Jones Walk 18.4 km
2024-09-25 Stuart Wood Walk 1.5 km Dog walk
2024-09-25 Stuart Wood Run 5.0 km
2024-09-25 Rosie Owen Walk 3.0 km
2024-09-24 Bec Fallon Other 3.0 km Dance
2024-09-24 Stuart Wood Walk 1.7 km Dog walk
2024-09-24 Amanda G-Oldham Walk 2.0 km walking in the evening
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