Race for Recipients Log In


8 Activities
46.4 km Distance
London Region


'Racing'...just because I can, mayb e I couldn't had I not received the life saving gift of a kidney transplant.


Day Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Walk 3.0 mi School Runs and Swimming Lesson
2024-09-26 Walk 3.2 mi Trade Show Trudgery
2024-09-25 Walk 3.5 mi Lunchtime Stroll
2024-09-24 Walk 3.2 mi Lunchtime Stroll
2024-09-23 Walk 2.8 mi Walk to the cub hut
2024-09-23 Walk 3.1 mi Lunchtime Stroll
2024-09-22 Walk 5.1 mi
2024-09-21 Walk 4.9 mi 1st proper walk since recovering from Norovirus.
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