Race for Recipients Log In

South Central

10 Teams
59 Racers
214 Activities
1,981.1 km Distance
#13 Region Rank
1,981.1 km of 61,400.0 km
To Target
61,400 people living with a transplant
South Central Leaderboard


Rank Name Distance Activities Racers
#1 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 818.3 km 120 37
#2 Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 806.4 km 103 27
#3 Portsmouth Transplant Games Team 658.8 km 82 11
#4 NHS Blood and Transplant - South Central 202.7 km 22 6
#5 Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust 76.1 km 7 2
#6 #BeMoreFrank 19.8 km 4 1
#7 Isle Of Wight NHS Trust 10.4 km 2 1
#8 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 6.7 km 1 6
#9 Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 4.0 km 1 1
#10 Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 0 km 0 1

Recent Activities

Day Racer Activity Distance Notes
2024-09-27 Lucy Run 12.0 km
2024-09-27 Jess Walk 3.5 km Dog walk
2024-09-27 Iain Cycle 32.3 km Indoor ride on Zwift
2024-09-27 Iain Walk 2.7 km
2024-09-27 Marie charlton Walk 3.3 km
2024-09-27 Marie charlton Other 8.6 km Gym
2024-09-27 Gary Pope Walk 4.2 km
2024-09-27 Seige Origenes Walk 8.0 km
2024-09-27 Ian Wu Run 7.0 km
2024-09-27 Samantha Fenton Run 16.1 km
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